Shooting center
Modern shooting range that offers gun enthusiasts the perfect conditions for mastering their skills. Our shooting range is equipped with high-tech shooting stalls and a wide variety of weapons, from pistols to rifles, all to give you a unique experience, no matter your skill level.
10:00 - 20:00 during the week
13:00 - 20:00 on weekends
It’s a pleasure to present our excellent range of courses that allow you to master your shooting skills and either obtain a new license or upgrade an existing one.
Our arsenal
No matter if you’re an advanced marksman or just starting your shooting adventure, you will always find something to suit your needs in our arsenal.
Our services
Unforgettable events only at SHOTBOM shooting range!
We organize events for organizations and groups with a lot of attractions, including additional learning experiences like first aid and basic firearm knowledge. It’s an ideal opportunity to learn more about yourself and strengthen relationships with others.